PHONES and INTERNET are down in the Elementary School. If you need to reach elementary staff or students please call the main office 608-734-3411 EXT: 0 This outage may last a couple days. We will update when things have been restored.
over 5 years ago, Ashley Roberts
Seneca Booster Club Tailgate Party Friday, October 4 th , 2019 Athletes, please bring the following *Football players: 8 pack of 20 oz Gatorade *Volleyball Juniors and Seniors: 1 case of water *Volleyball Freshman: 9x13 or larger pan of bars *Cross Country: 9x13 or larger pan of bars Please drop supplies of at the school with Michelle or Nissa in the kitchen by 2:00PM. If you are not able to have them to the school by that time, then please bring them to the concession stand where the tailgate party is held. Thank you so much
over 5 years ago, Ashley Roberts
CHANGES AND CANCELLATIONS FOR TODAY THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 19th... High School Cross Country meet in PDC is cancelled, but they will still practice after school. NO Middle School Cross Country Practice MS Football game @ 5:00 has been moved to Wauzeka, North Crawford's field is not playable.
over 5 years ago, Ashley Roberts
Check out our NEW BAND WEBSITE created by MR. Davies!!
over 5 years ago, Ashley Roberts
Tonight's football game against North Crawford will be played! GO BLUEGOLDS!!
over 5 years ago, Ashley Roberts
9/13/19...We are once again experiencing issues with our phones. If you can't get through, please email OR comment/message our facebook page.
over 5 years ago, Ashley Roberts
Seneca Schools will start 2 hours late on Friday September 13 due to the road conditions from the rain Thursday evening.
over 5 years ago, David Boland
PARENTS, please make sure you log into SKYWARD and complete the BEGINNING OF THE YEAR REGISTRATION FORMS for each of your children. The AUP form for Chromebook usage is located within the registration forms. If you have issues logging in, please call Ashley at school 608-734-3411 ext.100
over 5 years ago, Ashley Roberts
We are still experiencing phone issues. If you cannot get through when you call, please email the specific staff member you are looking for or the main office You can also send message to the school facebook page. Thank you
over 5 years ago, Ashley Roberts
PHONE ISSUES...we believe our current issues are due to the recent storms. If you cannot get through when you call, please email the specific staff member you are looking for or the main office You can also send message to the school facebook page.
over 5 years ago, Ashley Roberts
There will be an FFA Alumni meeting Monday, September 9th @ 7:30pm in the Ag. room.
over 5 years ago, Ashley Roberts
Check out the "Start of the Year Information" under the news items on the website for bus routes, calendar events for the first few days, and other important general information.
over 5 years ago, David Boland
Get the Seneca School App! The Seneca Area School District is thrilled to announce our new app for mobile phones! Stay up-to-date with access to real-time sports scores, the daily cafeteria menu, news from administrators, student stories, and even emergency notifications. You can download the app for free on both Google Play or the Apple App Store. Download for Android: Download for iPhone: Any questions, please contact us at school.
over 5 years ago, David Boland